Monday, March 30, 2015

Mixtape Monday: Holy Week Hymns

As we prepare for Easter Sunday this week, I thought it would be fitting to make a Holy Week mixtape (because this week is Holy Week). Thinking about Holy Week brings me back to growing up in church tradition. I remember celebrating Palm Sunday (yesterday) with huge palm leaves, waving them in the air and laying them down like the people did as Jesus entered into Jerusalem. On Maundy Thursday we went back to church, this time to the small, old chapel, where we celebrated Jesus's Last Supper with his disciples, took a special communion, and listened to the solemn bells go silent. Good Friday was basically celebrated by not going to school. As a kid, I always felt like we should call it Black Friday or something more grim... Jesus died! But he died to save us and rose again. And that is good.

So, as we lead up to Easter this week, and as I am thinking about those traditions (which I personally like), I have made you guys a playlist of some of my favorite, more traditional songs. Hymns. Those of you who know me know that I love hymns. I think they are wonderful for so many different reasons - one being that I believe they sing the gospel so purely. I could go on and on. But don't worry, if you are not a hymn fan, these are mostly not straight out of the hymnal grandma style. Many artists have modernized hymns and made them a new kind of beautiful and fun. Many hymns are originally so beautiful that recreating them is just unnecessary, but I digress. Give these tunes a chance, you might just find yourself enjoying them. And because they are my favorite (and I just couldn't help myself [or choose just 10, I could make a 100 song playlist]), you get 15 songs this week!

Happy Holy Week!

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